Did You Know? What Does it Take?

Photo credit Chris Giersch.

Many people aren’t aware of just how much is involved in making the fireworks happen. (99% is done by Jill Doczi-our Fireworks Wizard). Here is a list of what has to happen:

  • United States Coast Guard permit
  • Virginia Beach Fire Marshal permit
  • Virginia Beach Special Events permit
  • Secure contract with approved pyrotechnic company
  • Locate and secure contract for a barge
  • Locate and secure contract for a tug
  • Part of the special event permit requires you notify and/or make arrangements with fire marshal’s office, rescue, third precinct (including traffic and marine police).
  • Permit requires you provide notice to all neighbors and show proof of how that was accomplished. (Fliers, email, social media, etc.)
  • Permit requires proof of insurance.
  • Permit requires a description of a trash plan, a parking plan, an increment weather plan and an emergency aid plan.
  • Fielding questions from the general public. Monitor social media to correct misconceptions.
  • Contacting all major news outlets to remind them this is a neighborhood event not a city funded event to be advertised to the general public as another option to Mount Trashmore or the Oceanfront
  • Permit requires an evacuation plan.
  • Order up-to-date signage announcing the event for each beach access and place/retrieve signs the day of the event.
  • AND everything involved in getting donations:
    -Order fundraising envelopes.
    -Print and hand cut the small informational fliers for the envelopes. Stuff and count the envelopes for each street.
    -Organize volunteers for each street to distribute envelopes.
    -Utilize social media to encourage donations and keep the community up to date about the event.

Please donate today!

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