City of Virginia Beach Docs about Shore Drive

Phase 4 will finish Shore Drive with contiguous sidewalks & bike lanes, crosswalks & more.

A number of official links & documents below.

Official CIP 2.118.000: Shore Drive Corridor Improvements Phase IV page.

    City District(s):Bayside

    This project begins at the Marlin Bay Drive/S[h]andy Oaks Drive intersection and ends at the west end of the Lesner Bridge. This project will improve vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow and safety in the roadway and intersections; improve storm drainage; include a multi-use trail, 5-ft sidewalk and on-street bike lanes; and enhance the corridor with aesthetic elements such as landscaping and lighting. It will include improvements at the East Stratford Road intersection. (Note: It was brought to our attention it says Sandy Oaks instead of Shady Oaks at Official CIP page linked to above.) Shore Drive Topics Page.

    In 1996-97 the Virginia Beach City Council commissioned the Urban Land Institute (ULI) to do a study of the “Bayfront/Shore Drive Corridor” located in the northern section of the city along the Chesapeake Bay.

    The Bayfront (Shore Drive Corridor) Study, completed in 1997, made these broad observations. . .

Bayfront (Shore Drive Corridor) Study – October 1997

    This study had been adopted by reference as part of the Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan and contributes to the City’s goals of attaining a quality physical environment and community for a lifetime.

Shore Drive Corridor Plan, establishing a vision for the corridor, was adopted by the City Council in March 2000 as an amendment to the city’s Comprehensive Plan.

Shore Drive Corridor Design Guidelines adopted March 2002.

    The zone suffers from the lack of a hard edge between the roadway and the areas along the roadway. Parking areas for businesses tend to blend directly into the roadway in some spots. The recommendations of the Shore Drive Transportation Study, when implemented, should resolve this problem.

Also included is:

    The Shore Drive Transportation Plan, completed in December 2001, includes short and long range recommendations for the corridor.

    The Shore Drive Landscaping Guidelines are voluntary standards for the informal and natural look appropriate to the unique natural conditions near the Chesapeake Bay.

    The Shore Drive Overlay District, adopted in fall 1998, defines the boundaries for development standards.

Shore Drive Safety Task Force recommendations unanimously adopted by City Council in 2006.

    Shore Drive Demonstration Project Phase IV is not funded at this time.
    The Task Force recommends fully funding these projects and a package of short term improvements to improve corridor safety. With or without the Shore Drive Demonstration Projects, the Task Force recommends that a separate Capital Improvement Project be established to fund the selected recommendations.

Bayfront Advisory Committee page has more information & links.

    The mission of the Bayfront Advisory Commission is to review and make recommendations to the City Council regarding public and private projects and issues associated with the Bayfront area, and projects or issues associated with the Bayfront area that the City Council may refer to the Commission.
Photo Credit: Michael Blankenship

There’s also the Shore Drive Community Coalition.

    The Coalition has been in existence since January 2001 and has four main objectives:

    1. To provide a unified “Voice” for the community that will work hand in hand with the City of Virginia Beach and the Shore Drive Advisory Committee (if in existence) to better the quality of life along the Shore Drive corridor.

    2. To provide proactive assessments and reactive solutions to civic issues concerning the entire Shore Drive neighborhood.

    3. To organize and encourage participation in an annual local event that promotes community friendship and camaraderie.

    4. To act as an effective communication tool that provides pertinent information to all of the Shore Drive corridor organizations.

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